2024 Presidential Election Preview

A look into the rematch of the 2020 election and other headlines surrounding the race

For the seventh time in U.S. history, there will be a rematch in the U.S. presidential election. The last rematch happened in 1956 when Dwight D. Eisenhower defeated Adlai Stevenson to win a second term. Everyone loves a good rematch whether it’s the super bowl or to beat Bobby Flay. This time, both main party candidates have held office before, allowing the American public to see what both candidates bring to the table.

“I think both candidates have proven their worth and I think that that in some ways [that] makes It easier because you’ve seen something from both of them, but with the way that media portrays both candidates and has portrayed them, and the way that the media has lied about both candidates, I think that it’s going to be even more difficult to tread through what is real and what is not,” Mrs. Kim Wahaus said.

During their time in office both candidates made changes. Former President Donald J. Trump held office from 2016-2020. During his time in office he pushed positive foreign relations, cut business tax rates, and focused on American-made products. President Joseph Biden has held office from 2020-present. Biden has focused on creating jobs for Americans, freeing student debt, and rebuilding infrastructure.

“It’s harder because the media, because when the media is not held accountable for what they’re saying, then, and people believe the lies that are being said, because they trust the media, generally speaking. And they only have to listen to media that believes what they believe so people rarely get out of their bubble anymore. And so I think it makes it more difficult, because you don’t get the real story, unless you go out and search for it,” Wahaus stated.

The two main party candidates are all the buzz on the news and on social media, but a third party candidate is coming in to ruin the fun for the other two. Robert F. Kennedy is running as an independent. The nephew of former president John F. Kennedy is trying to spoil the election for the other two candidates.

“The question is, is which candidate because there’s been evidence that either candidate could end up being in trouble…The question is, will he play that spoiler role to the benefit or detriment of American society? And if he brings and pollinates the politics with good ideas, it’s probably to the benefit, because that’s a thing a good third party candidate can do,” Wahaus said.

Playing a spoiler role is what Kennedy is shooting for. The most a third party candidate has earned is 27% of the popular vote, which can be enough to throw off the electoral college and make or break for a candidate winning a certain state.

Trump and Biden have pushed against one another and attacked the opposite in their campaign. When looking for a candidate, Wahaus looks for “someone who will put American ideals in the forefront and is best for the people.”

In America today, it is popular to highlight the radicals of each side, when a majority of the population is very moderate and just want what is best for the majority. The president that has won in the past has been able to reach the moderates and swing them to their side. This election will be no different. The government always seems to be in the news lately and it isn’t always for good reason, which can leave doubts in the American population.

“I’m an eternal optimist when it comes to the government. So I really do believe that anything is possible, and that the people hold the power, so it’s always interesting to see what’s going to happen in each election,” Wahaus said.

The people hold the power and can change the course of the nation. Along with the presidential election there are many smaller races that have extreme importance.

“Every member of the House of Representatives with all the mess they’re in right now is up for reelection. And 1/3 of the Senate is up for reelection,” Wahaus said. “So when it comes to that they have just as much play in what’s happening into America as the President does, so it’s going to be an interesting election either way”

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