New E-Hall pass restrictions: navigating AI just got tougher

Students don’t like new restrictions and teachers have concerns for advisory time management.

Many students have strong feelings about the new interventions added to advisory as well as our e-hallpass restrictions, many are showing distaste for these rules.

 Senior April Gudiel-Lopez has many opinions on these new rules and how they affect her getting help.

“[Often] it’s just if I want to go to another class and get help for math class but I have to go to my science class because I’m failing it, there’s no way I can really balance out between the two, especially since we don’t have those two periods where we can go to one class and then go the next one.” Gudiel-Lopez said.

Algebra teacher Shannon Wolak believes the restrictions have both good and bad qualities.

“I think it’s good for students to be required to get help when their grade is an F, but I’m a little bit worried about if there gets to be too many people in the classroom. [I can’t help them all at once].” Wolak says. 

Sophomore Olivia Bonham thinks the rules are getting really strict and barring her from getting the help she needs.

“I went to my social studies class and I wanted to go to my science teacher, but I couldn’t, so I couldn’t get that help. [And] you’re supposed to be getting that help in advisory.” Bonham says.

Students have additionally mentioned how the interventions are affecting their clubs both positively and negatively.

“Sometimes it [really] does make it hard [since] I’m in LSU, if I have a required pass I need [to attend that and I won’t] be able to participate in my club’s activities,” Gudiel-Lopez says.

While Ms Wolak agrees that the interventions might make it harder for clubs to meet but believes that shouldn’t be a priority.

“Clubs are [extracurriculars and] your grades should come first. So if you’re failing, you don’t get to go to your club. I think that’s fair.” Wolak says.

Sophomore, Gianna Garcia thinks that the reason for these restrictions is because of the student’s overuse of passes.

“I understand why [they have the restrictions] because some people [will] abuse that power that they have, but [having only three passes still isn’t good].“ Garcia says. “I don’t really think it’s necessary.”

Wolak explains why Thursday advisory now only has one travel time.

“The one less travel time on Thursday was so that we could have travel every single day before we had no travel on Tuesdays at all. So it was [I think] better for [students] to have travel every single day”

There are some students who do think the restrictions can be a good thing but aren’t being handled correctly. 

“I think it’s kind of smart to a point,” Bonham says. “[but] it shouldn’t be like, as strict”

Both students and teachers alike have multiple opinions on these new restrictions and rules but Wolak thinks we shouldn’t give up on it already.

“I think it’s good” Wolak says. “I just [think] it’s too early to tell if it’s working.”

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